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Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Efficiency: The Allied Trade Plumbing & Heating Story

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Allied Trade Plumbing & Heating LTD 是一家位于爱丁堡的成功的管道和供暖公司,面临着运营挑战。该公司的创始人卡梅伦伯特正在寻找简化运营和提高效率的方法。主要问题是管理员工的日程安排,以前这是使用旧纸质日记完成的。这种方法效率低下且容易出错,导致潜在的错过预约和客户不满意。此外,工作报价是一个繁琐的过程,供应商定价不易获得,导致开具发票时出现不准确和意外情况。该公司还希望扩大团队规模并承担更多工作,但缺乏强大的运营框架是一个重大障碍。
Allied Trade Plumbing & Heating LTD 是一家位于苏格兰爱丁堡的管道和供暖公司。该公司由新西兰人卡梅伦·伯特 (Cameron Burt) 于 2003 年创立,他于 2001 年移居苏格兰。尽管在另一个国家开始新生活面临诸多挑战,但卡梅伦·伯特 (Cameron Burt) 的业务仍然蓬勃发展。 18 年后的今天,该公司拥有 11 名员工,迎来了迄今为止最强劲的一年。该公司以其专业精神和优质服务而闻名,回头客构成了其客户群的重要组成部分。卡梅伦善待员工以确保他们照顾客户的理念是公司成功的关键因素。
该解决方案以现场服务管理软件 Fergus 的形式出现。卡梅伦在新西兰期间被介绍给弗格斯,并意识到这是他一直在寻求的解决方案。 Fergus 简化了调度流程,确保所有员工都知道他们应该在哪里以及何时到达,从而提高准时率和客户满意度。该软件还提供了一个带有列的仪表板,可以清晰地概述正在进行的操作,使团队能够快速识别任务并采取行动。此外,Fergus 通过将所有供应商定价存储在系统中,使工作报价变得更容易、更准确。这使得发票更加准确并提高了盈利能力。凭借 Fergus 提供的坚实运营框架,Allied Trade 能够雇用更多员工并承担更多工作,从而促进业务增长。
  • The implementation of Fergus has had a transformative effect on Allied Trade's operations. The software has streamlined the scheduling process, leading to improved punctuality and increased customer satisfaction. The dashboard feature has enhanced operational visibility, enabling the team to quickly identify and action tasks. The quoting process has also been simplified and made more accurate, leading to more accurate invoicing and increased profitability. The software has also facilitated business growth by providing a robust operational framework that has enabled the company to hire more staff and take on more work. Additionally, the software has freed up Cameron's time, allowing him to focus on other aspects of the business and even enjoy some personal time.
  • The company had its strongest year yet in 2020, indicating increased business growth.
  • The company was able to hire two new employees during the lockdowns, expanding its workforce.
  • The company plans to continue hiring two new employees every year, indicating a positive growth trajectory.




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