C3 IoT
C3 IoT 提供全栈 IoT 开发平台 (PaaS),即使是最大规模的大数据/IoT 应用程序也能够快速设计、开发和部署,这些应用程序利用遥测、弹性云计算、分析和机器学习来应用预测分析对任何业务价值链的影响。 C3 IoT 还提供一系列交钥匙 SaaS IoT 应用程序,包括预测性维护、欺诈检测、传感器网络健康、供应链优化、投资规划和客户参与。客户可以使用预先构建的 C3 IoT 应用程序,使用平台的工具集调整这些应用程序,或使用 C3 IoT 的平台即服务构建自定义应用程序。成立年份:2009
物联网(IoT) 和先进的数据科学正在改写竞争规则。优势在于可以将 PB 级新到数据和历史数据转换为预测的组织——比竞争对手更快、更准确。回报包括更好的产品和服务设计、促销和定价;优化供应链,避免延误并增加产量;减少客户流失;每个客户的平均收入更高;预测性维护可避免车队和制造系统停机,同时降低服务成本。为了实时理解前所未有的数据量、速度和种类并采取行动,公司正在应用大数据、高级分析、机器学习和云计算等科学。产品本身正在重新设计以适应连接性和低成本传感器,为自适应系统、新一代智能应用程序和业务流程再造的复兴创造了市场机会。新的 IT 范式将通过改变产品设计、营销、制造和售后服务来重塑价值链。 C3 IoT 提供新一代智能、实时应用程序,克服阻碍公司实现物联网潜力的发展挑战。 C3 IoT 平台已在 20 多个企业级生产环境中得到验证,是用于下一代 IoT 应用程序和业务流程的设计、开发、部署和运营的 PaaS。
C3 IoT 是平台即服务 (paas), 应用基础设施与中间件, 分析与建模, 功能应用, 传感器, 和 基础设施即服务 (iaas)等工业物联网科技方面的供应商。同时致力于航天, 电网, 设备与机械, 金融与保险, 医疗保健和医院, 石油和天然气, 零售, 电信, 运输, 和 公用事业等行业。
C3 IoT的技术栈描绘了C3 IoT在平台即服务 (paas), 应用基础设施与中间件, 分析与建模, 功能应用, 传感器, 和 基础设施即服务 (iaas)等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
Vehicle Fleet Analytics
Organizations frequently implement a maintenance strategy for their fleets of vehicles using a combination of time and usage based maintenance schedules. While effective as a whole, time and usage based schedules do not take into account driving patterns, environmental factors, and sensors currently deployed within the vehicle measuring crank voltage, ignition voltage, and acceleration, all of which have a significant influence on the overall health of the vehicle.In a typical fleet, a large percentage of road calls are related to electrical failure, with battery failure being a common cause. Battery failures result in unmet service agreement levels and costly re-adjustment of scheduled to provide replacement vehicles. To reduce the impact of unplanned maintenance, the transportation logistics company was interested in a trial of C3 Vehicle Fleet Analytics.
Case Study
Large Oil Producer Leverages Advanced Analytics Platform
Approximately 17,000 wells in the customer's portfolio have beam pump artificial lift technology. While beam pump technology is relatively inexpensive compared to other artificial lift technology, beam pumps fail frequently, at rates ranging from 66% to 95% per year. Unexpected failures result in weeks of lost production, emergency maintenance expenses, and costly equipment replacements.
Case Study
Driving Network Efficiency and Fraud Detection Efforts
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) wanted to optimize the deployment and ongoing health of its advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) network and identify and reduce unbilled energy usage. BGE wanted a solution to deliver an annual economic benefit of $20 million.
Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; all backed by industry-leading front and back office e-business solutions.
PTC is a global provider of technology platforms and solutions that transform how companies create, operate, and service the "things" in the Internet of Things (IoT). The company's next-generation ThingWorx technology platform gives developers the tools they need to capture, analyze, and capitalize on the vast amounts of data being generated by smart, connected products and systems. The company's field-proven solutions are deployed in more than 26,000 businesses worldwide to generate a product or service advantage. PTC's award-winning CEO, considered an industry thought leader, co-authored the definitive guides to the impact of the IoT on business in the Harvard Business Review.
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services has developed the managed cloud platform AWS IoT to let connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS Endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.On top of this platform, AWS also offers a variety of analytics solutions by AWS or third-party suppliers that can help meet all kinds of needs related to data analysis.