Greenly 可为您的公司提供精确且直观的碳核算和管理,让您能够快速实现净零碳经济转型。该平台可让您的公司根据温室气体核算协议等国际碳核算标准测量、监控、减少和抵消碳足迹。
Greenly 的技术通过与 100 多种企业软件(包括会计、旅游、云数据、电力供应商等)集成,实现数据收集和碳分析的自动化。
Greenly 是传感器, 基础设施即服务 (iaas), 功能应用, 应用基础设施与中间件, 网络与连接, 机器人, 平台即服务 (paas), 和 分析与建模等工业物联网科技方面的供应商。同时致力于服装, 汽车, 建筑物, 水泥, 建筑与基础设施, 消费品, 教育, 电网, 设备与机械, 金融与保险, 食品与饮料, 玻璃, 医疗保健和医院, 矿业, 石油和天然气, 包装, 药品, 回收与废物管理, 可再生能源, 零售, 半导体, 电信, 和 运输等行业。
Greenly的技术栈描绘了Greenly在传感器, 基础设施即服务 (iaas), 功能应用, 应用基础设施与中间件, 网络与连接, 机器人, 平台即服务 (paas), 和 分析与建模等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
CABAÏA's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
CABAÏA, a French ready-to-wear accessories brand, was committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and environmental sustainability but lacked a clear understanding of its carbon footprint. The company had been experiencing strong growth since its inception in 2015, with a doubling of turnover every year. However, it was aware that in the modern business world, a commitment to the environment and CSR was essential for continued success. The challenge was to accurately measure its carbon footprint to identify areas where it could take concrete action to limit emissions. The traditional methods of CSR assessment were seen as old school, imprecise, and tedious, involving manual review of invoices and other data. CABAÏA needed a more efficient and reliable solution to automate this process.
Case Study
BNP Paribas and Greenly's Collaborative Effort to Reduce Carbon Footprint
BNP Paribas, a leading bank, recognized the urgent need to address the environmental impact of human activities, particularly the carbon footprint of individuals. The bank understood that without a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the global surface temperature could rise by 2°C to 3.5°C by 2100, leading to an increase in extreme weather events and negative consequences for human health and development. The bank also acknowledged the Paris Agreement's commitment to limit CO2 emissions to keep global warming below 2°C. However, the average carbon footprint of a French person in 2018 was 11.2 t CO2eq per year, significantly higher than the target of about 2 tonnes of CO2 per year per capita. BNP Paribas realized that in addition to structural changes in production patterns, individual commitment to decarbonizing consumption and lifestyle was crucial to achieving these reduction targets.
Case Study
Greenly's Role in Enabling Bump to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment
Bump, a company committed to building electrical charging stations, was faced with the challenge of understanding and reducing its environmental footprint. The company was aware of the significant climate crisis and the role of mobility in contributing to CO2 emissions, which account for more than 30% in Europe. Bump's mission was to reduce these emissions by deploying charging stations without any financing to democratize the electric vehicle. However, to effectively work towards this mission, Bump needed to understand its main emissions and devise strategies to reduce them as much as possible.