Energis SA > 实例探究 > Engie 解决方案:提高舒适度和室内空气质量,同时降低能源成本
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Engie Solutions: Enhancing Comfort and Indoor Air Quality While Reducing Energy Costs

  • 网络与连接 - Sigfox
  • 传感器 - 环境传感器
  • 航天
  • 建筑物
  • 维护
  • 质量保证
  • 室内空气质量监测
  • 视觉质量检测
  • 测试与认证
Engie Solutions 的子公司 TEM 的任务是确保各种建筑物(包括办公室、学校、公共建筑和制造工厂)中居住者的舒适度和福祉,同时将能源成本保持在最低水平。空气质量和温度可以直接影响居住者和员工的行为和生产力。空气质量差会导致疲劳、困倦、注意力不集中和病假增加等健康问题,从而影响业务绩效。此外,不适往往与过度能量消耗有关。比利时最近的联邦法律通过规范封闭空间内的二氧化碳水平,要求雇主确保工作场所的二氧化碳浓度低于 900 ppm,使问题变得更加复杂。
TEM 是 Engie Solutions 的子公司,专门从事建筑和工业的技术维护。他们负责比利时约 370 座建筑物和 265 座供热厂。他们的目标是保证这些建筑中居住者的福祉和舒适度,同时将能源成本降至最低。他们在各种类型的建筑中工作,包括办公室、学校、公共建筑和制造工厂。由于比利时最近的联邦法律规定了封闭空间内的二氧化碳水平,要求雇主确保工作场所的二氧化碳浓度低于 900 ppm,他们的工作现在变得更加重要。
为了应对这些挑战,TEM 与 Energis 合作开展质量评分活动,以测量办公楼和工业场所的室内空气质量和舒适度。他们使用 Enless Wireless 无线电传感器和 Energis.Cloud 平台来分析是否正确满足温度、湿度和二氧化碳的阈值。通常每 15 分钟通过 Enless Wireless Sigfox 环境发射器读取一次温度、相对湿度和 CO2 值。 Enless 探头收集并通过 Sigfox 云传输的数据随后由 Energis.Cloud 软件进行监控和可视化。当即将超过阈值时,该软件会向技术团队发出警报,使他们能够立即采取纠正措施,例如更改运行时间或更换有故障的设备。
  • The use of Enless Wireless radio sensors and the Energis.Cloud platform has significantly improved the responsiveness of TEM's technical teams. The software alerts the teams when a threshold is about to be exceeded, allowing them to take immediate corrective action. This has resulted in improved indoor air quality and comfort in the buildings they manage, leading to better health and productivity of the occupants and employees. Moreover, the solution has helped TEM comply with the recent federal law in Belgium that regulates CO2 levels in enclosed spaces. The ability to monitor and analyze data in real time has also enabled TEM to make informed decisions regarding investments, leading to cost savings.
  • In a tower block with a humidity problem, TEM was able to determine exactly what investments to make without overinvesting, resulting in the installation of 8 dehumidifiers.
  • In a courthouse, TEM was able to identify excessive energy consumption and discomfort, leading to direct energy savings by regulating the heating system based on calendar and occupancy times.
  • In a printing house, TEM was able to protect stock paper from excessive humidity by monitoring the data in real time and generating alarms to avoid exceeding quality thresholds.




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