ThingLogix 通过结合人工智能驱动的物联网解决方案和云的力量来推动现代商业的发展——创造新的商业价值并加快上市时间。
当前开发应用程序的方法缓慢、成本高且效率低下。数字化转型需要全新的软件技术栈。 ThingLogix 提供低代码/无代码 AI 和 IoT 平台,可将软件开发速度提高 50 倍或更多,降低成本、风险并提供面向未来的应用程序。
美国地质勘探局、东芝、汇丰银行、阿联酋航空 NBD、Ittihad 投资集团、SolarNow、亚马逊网络服务、Charter Communications、标准工业、ONexus。
ThingLogix的技术栈描绘了ThingLogix在平台即服务 (paas), 和 应用基础设施与中间件等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
Digital Retail Security Solutions
Sennco wanted to help its retail customers increase sales and profits by developing an innovative alarm system as opposed to conventional connected alarms that are permanently tethered to display products. These traditional security systems were cumbersome and intrusive to the customer shopping experience. Additionally, they provided no useful data or analytics.
Case Study
Connected Field Services
McKinley faced several challenges to implement these product improvements: - Which device hardware is best? - How do they connect their products and put them online? - How will their products communicate? - Which sensor protocols work best? - How will they develop the proper visualizations? - How do we integrate it with their field service technology? - How do they set up rules and their associated actions?
Opentrends provides the most advanced custom software solutions to place companies in the Digital Transformation path, allowing them to achieve innovation advantage and contribute to their growth acceleration.More than 18 years delivering innovative projects of high technological complexity in a wide range of industries, while guaranteeing quality and alignment with our client’s objectives. In fact, over a hundred global companies across various industries have full Trust in our unique ability to design, build, implement, and integrate complex software innovations into their organizations.Let’s excel your digital future today.
Leverege is a privately held Internet-of-Things (IoT) software company based in Maryland. We build our products and solutions with humans in mind: making data accessible, actionable, and easily understood by more than just highly skilled engineers. We've developed IoT software products that enable you and your customers to intelligently manage and visualize large networks of diverse sensors and devices, providing actionable insights and spotting trends that lead to better decision making.
Upskill provides wearable technology to connect hands-on workers from the factory to the warehouse to the jobsite. Its robust platform, Skylight, connects the industrial workforce with the people, processes, information, and equipment they need to do their jobs with greater efficiency and fewer errors, leaving them hands free to focus on their tasks at hand, and their tools. For organizations in the competitive global market looking to increase productivity, improve quality, reduce costs, train new workers, retain tribal knowledge, and provide a strong foundation for further investments, the future starts with Upskill.
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services has developed the managed cloud platform AWS IoT to let connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS Endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.On top of this platform, AWS also offers a variety of analytics solutions by AWS or third-party suppliers that can help meet all kinds of needs related to data analysis.
Whatever you want to track, Quuppa brings you the dot on the map.Quuppa Intelligent Locating System™ is a powerful technology platform for novel Location Based Services and Applications. It enables real-time Tracking of Bluetooth Smart Tags and devices, with accuracy even down to a few centimeters. It is a reliable, versatile, highly customizable, fully scalable and cost efficient solution.A worldwide ecosystem has grown around Quuppa’s technology: from Application Developers and Solution providers to System integrators and Tag manufacturers. Hundreds of systems have been successfully applied across various industries – from Healthcare, Retail and Security to Logistics, Manufacturing and Sports.
A global industrial PC manufacturer and solution provider focused on hardware for the IoT edge, OnLogic designs highly-configurable computers engineered for reliability. Their systems operate in the harshest environments and power innovation in the evolving Internet of Things. Fueled by a unique direct-to-customer business model that combines vertical integration, modular product design and a powerful online platform, OnLogic offers computers “designed to last, built to order, and delivered in days.” Founded in 2003 as Logic Supply, the company has served over 70,000 customers. OnLogic has offices in the US, Netherlands, Taiwan and Malaysia.
Arrow Electronics distributes a range of electronic components and enterprise computing products, services, and solutions to industrial and commercial users worldwide. The company operates in two segments, Global Components and Global Enterprise Computing Solutions. In addition, the company provides materials planning, design services, programming and assembly services, inventory management, and a suite of online supply chain tools. Its customers include the manufacturers of consumer and industrial equipment, telecommunication products, automotive and transportation, aerospace and defense, scientific and medical devices, and computer and office products. Arrow Electronics serves as a supply channel partner for approximately 900 suppliers and 125,000 original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and commercial customers.